With everything done, when the music finally stops it is time to go home. The atmosphere on the bus returning to Maò to catch the boat was different from that we had enjoyed the day before. Most people were quiet, there wasn't a lot of singing. People staring out of the windows with serious faces. Of course you can always count on Mr Pollo for a smile.
"Amb sa feina tota feta, quan ja s'ha acabat sa música és hora de tornar cap a casa. S'atmòsfera dins d'autobús de tornada cap a Maó per a agafar es barco era diferent que es dies anteriors. Sa majoria de sa gent estava quieta, casi ningú estava cantant. Estaven tots bastant serios. Per supost, sempre post comptar amb es somriure de Mr Pollo"
Eventually even Arnal was quiet.
"Arnal també està quiet de tant en tant"
Ferran looks cool here but a second before he had been fast asleep.
We drove into the port and slowly passed all the luxury motor yachts moored on the water front. The sun was just setting behind the hills on the other side of the port.
"Aquí en Ferran fa bona cara, però uns segons abans estava dormint"
Finally we could see her, the Wysteria, the same boat we had taken to come to Menorca was there waiting for us to take us home.
"Finalment, vam poder veure es Wysteria, es mateix barco amb es que vam venir cap a Menorca. Mos estava esperant per a tornar cap a casa"
The last activity for us on Menorca. We had to go and collect the ensaimadas! This meant a good walk from the port up the hill that the city of Maò is located on to a small shop in a square in front of a church where Fredo had ordered all the ensaimadas. The whole process of ordering them had been complicated in itself, collecting them was also a lengthy process which needed strict control over the anima... the students. We were almost finished when Guillem started to phone us asking if we were coming and the boat was about to sail etc.
"Sa nostra darrera activitat a Menorca. Vam tenir que anar a recollir ses ensaimades. Vam tenir que pujar dalt d'una costa de Maó fins a arribar a una petita botiga on en Fredo havia encarregat ses ensaimades i que hi ha davant d'una iglesia. Es procés per a fer es encàrrecs de totes ses ensaimades va ser prou difícil i ho vam tenir que fer amb deteniment i amb bastant de control dels alumnes. Quan vam acabar, en Guillem mos va telefonar demanant si ja estàvem anant un altre cop cap es barco, perque ja quedava poc temps"
Back on the boat people made themselves comfortable for another unforgettable night sleeping in the travel seats, we had supper and we played cards for a while.
There was time for a last photograph.
"De tornada dins es barco, sa gent es va començar a preparar per a una altra incòmoda nit dormint a ses butaques des barco. Vam sopar i vam jugar a cartes un ratet. Hi va haver temps per a una darrera foto"
There was even time for Fredo to fall asleep on the seats while we were playing cards.
"Mentres noltros jugavem a cartes, en Fredo va aprofitar per a dormir una estona"
Fortunately the students were there to look after him. Or is Edgar about to stick something up his nose?
"Per sort, els alumnes eren allà per a veure'l"
Finally all we are left with are the memories...
1 comment:
Well written article.
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