Once final rehearsing was finished, and Guillem had sorted out the final problems...
"Finalment vam acabar amb es primer ensay i en Guillem va solucionar es problemes"
The first concert went really well, people were more relaxed than in the morning in the school and this showed in the quality of the music.
"Es primer concert va anar molt bé, sa gent estava és relaxada que es matí a s'institut i açó es va notar en sa qualitat des concert"
Even Mr Poyo was perfectly prepared for the concert, concentration, position, poise...
"Fins i tot es senyor pollastre estava perfectament preparat pes concert, ben concentrat, posicionat, amb seguretat,..."
Some people were perhaps a little too relaxed but never mind.
"Alguns alumnes estaven potser un poc massa relaxats..."
The high point of the two concerts would have to be Guillem's face when in the middle of one of the pieces he suddenly saw a friend of his that he hadn't seen for at least six years or so. She also happened to be very attractive and stayed around to chat to him after the concert had finished, much to the delight of the students.
"Es moment més important des concert va ser veure sa cara den Guillem quan en mig des concert ell va veure a una amiga que feia sis anys que no veia. Ella, que era molt atractiva, va xerrar amb en Guillem quan va acabar es concert i, és clar, es alumnes s'ho van passar molt bé fent bromes...."
The second concert was even more relaxed than the first had been but Guillem said he was very happy with the way people had played because they had been enjoying themselves and had relaxed into the music much more than during the morning.
"Es segon concert encara va ser més relaxat que es primer, però en Guillem va estar realment molt content amb sa manera en que es alumnes havien tocat perque s'ho van passar molt bé i van disfrutar molt de sa música"
Once we finished the second concert, to generous applause fromt the audience that again had gathered, we packed up and had to transport everything all the way across Ciutadella to the Alberg. Not easy, especially considering all the steps involved in going down to the port.
"Quan vam acabar es segon concert, vam rebre un gran aplaudiment per part de tots es espectadors. Vam tenir que transportar una altra vegada tots es instruments fins a s'alberg. Va ser bastant dur, sobretot tenint en compte tots es escalons que hi havia dalt des port"
All in all for the first day in Menorca, for the musical day in Menorca during which the orchestra had to play no less than three concerts it was a tremendous success.
"Total, es primer dia a Menorca vam tocar ni més ni menys que tres concerts amb sa nostra orquesta, fet que va resultar bastant dur (bé, potser no tant....)"
We would like to give out special thanks to Josep and the school of Los Calos in Ciutadella for their hospitality on this trip and also for the wonderful music they played for us and with us.
"Mos agradaria molt donar les gràcies a Josep i s'institut de Calos de Ciutadella per lo bé que es van portar amb noltros i per sa seva hospitalitat, i també per sa bona música que van tocar amb noltros"
Finally don't ever refuse if I want to take a photo of you.
On the way home with all the intruments.
"Cap a casa amb tots ses instruments."
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