Guillem with the T-shirt made for the trip

The first day, arriving in port

Once we had woken up most of them we got them out on to the deck to enjoy the fresh air and to watch the sun coming up as we glided into the port of Mao.

"Un cop ja haviem despertat a sa majoria des alumnes, amb sortir tots fora a sa coberta des barco per a disfrutar de s'aire fresc i per a veure sortir es sol mentres entravem a es port de Maó"

Though as you can see a lot of them don't really look as if they are fully appreciating the wonderful opportunity Fredo and I were giving them.

"Com podeu veure, molts d'ells no feien aspecte de disfrutar de sa preciosa oportunitat que en Fredo i jo els hi estavem donant"

And some of them even went back to sleep on the floor of the observation deck, when the deck with their seats was one flight up.

"I alguns d'ells van tornar a dormir al terra de sa coberta, mentres que ses butaques simplement estaven unes escales més amunt"

Eventually we all went towards the bow and were able to actually see the entrance to the port, which in fact is also well worth seeing.

"També vam anar cap a sa proa des barco per a veure s'entrada a es port, cosa que realment val la pena"

Alfredo pointed out to people where he lives, where his parents live and even a small beach on Sa Illa del Rei where he rowed to for a stag night in a canoe with some friends.

"En Fredo va ensenyar a sa gent allà on ell vivia i allà on viuen es seus pares i també una petita platja a S'Illa del Rei on ell va anar amb canoa per a nedar amb uns amics "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People are very coold