Just as we were arriving to the dock we saw these two minuscule figures waving madly at the boat, they were Fredo's parents who had come to meet us all. More specifically they had also come to give us all a copy of the local newspaper from the 22nd which had an article in it about the orchestra coming to play.
"Just quan estàvem arribant a nes moll, vam veure dues minúscules figures fent senyals cap es barco. Ells eren es pares den Fredo, que van venir a donar-nos sa benvinguda. Més especialment, ells van venir a donar-nos una copia a cada un des diari local de Menorca on sortia sa notícia de que s'orquesta anava a tocar allà"
So we had the curious sight, once we had disembarked and loaded everything into the bus, of seeing all 49 students with their newspaper open reading quietly as the bus pulled away.
"Noltros ho vam veure una vegada havíem desenbarcat i estàvem a s'interior des barco. Tots es alumnes estàven quiets llegint es seus diaris"
It was very weird.
"Era un fet bastant estrany"
Crossing the length of Menorca took about 45 mins and if nothing else was interesting as it gave us a chance to see what the island is like. We arrived in Ciutadella and soon found the school we had arranged to perform with.
"Mentres creuavem s'illa de Menorca durant uns 45 minuts, anàvem comentant lo molt que mos agradava lo que veiem de s'illa. Vam arribar a Ciutadella i es al·lots van veure s'escola on anàvem a tocar"
We soon unloaded everything and stored it all in their music room ready for setting up later on that morning.
"Ho vam tenir que baixar tot i ho vam guardar tot dins s'aula de música que ells tenien allà preparada"
By this time some people had woken up, enough at least to react when faced with a camera. Though no one knows what Maria and Marta are doing here.
"Durant aquest temps, alguns d'ells s'anaven despertant, almenos lo suficient com per a reaccionar davant una camara. Encara no sabem què estaven fent aquí na Marta i na Maria"
Others of course just went back to sleep, not that I remember them having been awake actually.
"Uns altres, per descomptat, van tornar a dormir, i no record si actualment ja s'han despert"
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very good work Hew.
I've also tried another, but very short in content.
hi you are fantastics. i like the music
Hell0o0 Hu jujuju
very attractive your blogg..
I don't like write comments..
by: L4_&ny*
Hy Hu!
How are you?
your blogg it's very atracttive..
I don't like writte coments
bye bye
by: L4_&ny
hi huw...
they are very interesting photos.
I like the video of arnal down
...bye huw!!!
All of people is sleeping... o my god xd
very good work
congratulathions ies Roquetes !!
hi friends!!
I'm stay in english class.. Huw want we write comments in this page becouse He think's very interesting for we!!
I think is very good this place and people like this.
I want to visit menorca in my next holidays..
I don't like write comments...bye bye!!
Huw you not have time to sleep? poor Huw...
I think these hollidays are very cool.
The traject with the ship it's good?
sure yes!
by Norbert XD
hi friends!!
I'm stay in english class.. Huw want we write comments in this page becouse He think's very interesting for we!!
I think is very good this place and people like this.
I want to visit menorca in my next holidays..
I don't like write comments...bye bye!!
Sleep at de top of the ship? it's not
cold here?, i think it's more good sleep into the ship.
Mr Pollo! He has to learn to go down the escalator!
thats a good blog
Hellow !!!
they are very interesting photos.
I like the video of arnal down
by Huw!!!!1
You see more tourists at Menorca?
How is the food on Menorca?
I never go to Menorca. The people it's sympa here?
Hello huw!
In the fotos you are very nice XD
I hope thatt you have been good!
heyy!! huwlyy!! :D
HoW arE yoU?¿
tHe BLog Is gOOd wove all ThE vIdEoS Like tHe ARnAl'S vIdEo. WhEn He INtENT Down THe " escales mekanikes.." XD
WEnO BYE BYE bCAuSE I dOn'T LikE wRItTE koMenTs =D
bYee HUwww
See yoUU!!!!
>> irIs <<
good work Huw!!! very well!
I love this bloooggg!!
It was an unforgettable trip
ORQUESTRA STOP we are the bestt...*
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