Guillem with the T-shirt made for the trip

The first day

On the first morning we were up before six as Fredo had told us that it would be worth getting up to see the sun come up and the entrance to the port of Mao.

"Es primer matí mos vam aixecar antes de les 6 tal i com en Fredo mos va dir que teniem que fer per tal de veure sortir es sol i veure s'entrada a es port de Maó"

Of course we were both able to shower and have a shave (well me at least) before going to look for the students, the advantages of having a cabin on the boat.

"Evidentment, noltros vam tenir s'oportunitat de fer-nos una ducha i d'afeitar-mos antes d'anar a veure es estudiants, ses aventatges de tenir camerot "

They were not so lucky. Reclining seats are never a good way to sleep and on the Wysteria they are not the modern ones and so are even worst for sleeping.

"Ells no estaven tant contents. Es assientos reclinables no han estat mai una bona manera de dormir i a nes Wysteria no eren gaire moderns i son bastant incòmodos per a dormir"

Still they look as if they are sleeping well enough.

"Tot i així, sembla que ells dormien prou bé"

Some even brought a sleeping bag as a blanket.

"Alguns d'ells utilitzaven un sac de dormir com a manta"

Some didn't appreciate being woken up at six in the morning!

"Alguns d'ells no van apreciar es fet de tenir-se que aixecar a les sis des matí"

And others couldn't be woken at all!

"I uns altres no estaven desperts del tot"


Anonymous said...

esta super wapo gellem eers el super professor te ... jejeje

Anonymous said...

Pallares sleep sleep deeply... xd

Anonymous said...

Hi! In the viage only sleeping? XD XD

Anonymous said...

Pallares sleep sleep deeply... xd