Guillem with the T-shirt made for the trip

The first day: Cap a dinar

Lunch at the Alberg was a nice suprise as it was in fact very good, not to the taste of all the students of course but mainly a success.

"Es dinar de s'alberg va resultar ser tota una sorpresa, ja que va estar bastant bé, tot i que, com sempre, hi va haver algun alumne a nes que no li va agradar del tot"

In this picture you can see the port of Ciutadella at the bottom of the steps, steps that we had to go up and down every day and once even with all the instruments.

"En aquesta foto, podeu veure es port de Ciutadella baix de ses escales, unes escales que, per cert, vam tenir que pujar i baixar cada dia fins i tot amb es instruments"

Most people were really hungry, perhaps because they didn't eat too well on the boat.

"Sa majoria de sa gent tenia bastanta gana, possiblement perque no van menjar gaire en es barco"

The cook in the Alberg was lovely the only problem was that she only spoke real "menorqui" and this was actually quite difficult to understand. We were able to practise though and we soon discovered things like "sa aiguuu" for water.

"Sa cuinera de s'alberg era molt simpàtica. S'únic problema va ser que ella només parlava autèntic menorquí, cosa que feia que tinguéssim alguns problemes per a poder-la entendre. No vam tardar gaire en descobrir noves paraules, com "s'aigu", que vol dir "l'aigua""

The only small problem was that everyone disappeared off to sleep after lunch leaving us the teachers to wipe down the tables and clean up the dining room, a lack of understanding about the idea behind an Alberg.

"S'únic petit problema va ser que después de dinar vam tenir que ser es professor (i alguns alumnes, però pocs) qui vam tenir que fer net ses taules i es menjador. Es deurien pensar que estaven en un hotel i no en un alberg"

In the period after lunch most people said they wanted to sleep, and then proceeded to spend the time screaming and shouting just outside our door. To the point where I had to go out and remind them politely to shut up.

"Después de dinar, molts van dir que volien dormir un poquet, però realment es van dedicar i cridar justet davant de sa nostra habitació, fet que va provocar que tingués que sortir unes quantes vegades per a fer-los callar"

Other people were just silly.

"Uns altres, feien tonteries"

This is a first in the now famous series of films called, "Suicidis Menorca".


RaKeRu-GoRe said...

HI! soc Rakel
el menjar de l'alberg era molt bó i les cuineres eren força simpatiques, va ser una passada el viatge, vaig xalar tant! mira que he fet vaitges, i amb tot tipus de gent, pero aquest viatge els supera a tots en diferencia!
ja esta be que el blog sigue en ingles, aixi aprenem jojojo
yo no contesto en ingles aver si maquivoco i von foteu de mi tota la vida (que vos coneixo!!!!)

Anonymous said...

M'agrada llegir i concebre aquest lloc web té algunes coses realment útils en ell!